Our Company Values & Policies

In this document, we aim to welcome you - our community of program participants, customers, and wonderful humans - into our ethos as a team. 

We’ll share and describe some of the key principles, values, and commitments that guide how we design, operate, and serve. We share gratitude for your openness as you navigate, and welcome any questions or reflections you might have!

Our Manifesto

In every space we share, we are grounded in the beauty and responsibility of our aliveness, our contributions, and how the two work together in harmony towards the greater good. 

We do not take our own energy, or others’ energy, for granted. We show up with a devotion to wellbeing, sustainability, care for people & planet, and principles of simplicity that are rooted in our fullest expression of humanity. 

As a business, we do not take shortcuts. We are committed to work that is offered via service heart, which enables a diverse collection of aligned success to arise. Our choices reflect deep threads of sustainability. 

As a team, we walk our walk and it matches our talk. We hold our growing community in the safest, bravest space possible - witnessing and guiding the growth that feels truest to them.

Our spaces give permission to each person’s sense of self-leadership, expansive communication, radiant curiosity, and embodiment of their dreams & desires.

Through this work…
Our businesses thrive. 
Our leadership expands. 
Our wellbeing radiates. 

Together we will…
Cultivate inclusion.
Welcome radical responsibility. 
Journey through the tender.
Enter our next expansion.

Our Core Values


We honor, cultivate, and prioritize wellbeing for ourselves, others, and the planet. This includes all avenues of wellbeing - physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual. This invitation spans from our innermost community as facilitators and team members, and to our outermost community of clients, participants, peers, and audience - are all encouraged towards a full pursuit of wellbeing. Through this shared priority towards wellbeing, we aim to honor the vitality of this life and to be a beautiful representation of it.


We take thoughtful action to grow with, for, and alongside our community. We work with intention and precision to honor the attention, presence, and various lived experiences of our extended community. Our systems, rituals, and platforms aim to extend a healthy, thriving space for our community to belong. 

Service heart:

Our work, programs, and platforms are rooted in the deepest intention to do good, and the commitment for aligned action to follow. In designing business offerings, we consider our impact foremost on people and planet, before a focus on profit. Our definition of “success” as a business is understood as a direct extension of service heart in action. 

Diverse perspectives:

In our community, both current and upcoming, we welcome a full diversity of people, ideas, and lived experiences. Our communities are stronger when each person is empowered, safe, and supported to bring their own wisdom into the space. We intentionally design to uplift diverse voices and perspectives as our community grows. 

Full spectrum humanity:

As facilitators, participants, and community, we acknowledge that we are all living marvelously full, dynamic, and sometimes messy lives. We provide space for the full spectrum of humanity - from the deepest celebrations, to the most vulnerable requests for support. We value transparency that shines a light on our must human, authentic truths. Our whole community is welcome to show up as they are, and do great work together on our best, or worst, days. 


Principles of sustainability guide our teams’ functions, systems, and facilitation style. We value straightforward, simple approaches that honor everyone’s investment of energy and resources. We trust that our community is well resourced in their internal strengths, gifts, fortitude, and resilience to do powerful work and make epic strides. As a business and team, we are committed to circulate our energy and resources into others, into our community, and into the planet. We celebrate a vibrant, healthy, and generative circulation of resources. 

Aligned success:

As a community filled with unique individuals, we honor that each person holds different versions and definitions of the “success” they seek. We respect each person’s holistic pursuit of this, and encourage our community to release any need to compare themselves to others. We stand by the vision to “lift as we climb” and celebrate all forms of success that each person may celebrate in our containers. 

Key Policies

Refund policy:

In general, we do not provide refunds for your investment - once content and coaching are delivered, they are complete and a refund is not possible. However, we will make considerations for refunds in rare incidences such as birth, death, or other life-changing circumstances if the delivery of content or coaching is not complete. These considerations will be case by case and can be addressed to info@melissamoffet.com

Payment Plan policy:

Payment plans are offered in good faith. Payments are considered past due if not paid within the same business day. If you are non-responsive & your payment is (5) calendar days past due, your access to the program or product will be tentatively revoked until payment is received. After (10) calendar days, your balance must be paid, otherwise you will be permanently removed from the program. The company reserves the right to collect missed payments for services rendered. 

Scholarship policy:

We do not offer scholarships for one-on-one coaching or mastermind containers. However, we often offer scholarships for our courses and masterclasses! If we do, these will be explicitly shared as a part of those launches. If you can’t find scholarship information shared and have a clear financial need, you are welcome to reach out and ask. Our scholarships are specifically designed for our community members experiencing unchosen financial hardship, a drastic difference in cost of living (for non-US based community members), or other circumstances that would make their participation in a program impossible. Preference for scholarships is given to BIPOC womxn and other historically marginalized folks. 

Rescheduling policy:

As facilitators and a team, we give flexibility to reschedule due to illness, menstruation cycles, or other personal emergencies. We will always aim to give as much advance notice as possible, and to reschedule for a convenient time for the group. 

Community Agreements

As a community that gathers for coursework, live calls, and in other online formats, it’s essential for us to commit to agreements that keep our community safe, inclusive, and expansive. The below agreements are the essential pillars that we uphold in all of our community spaces. 


What you share in the space of a call or forum will be sacred to that container, and kept confidential to the community of participants. If any part of your story or experience are shared, your consent will be requested and approved in advance. 

Direct communication:

We are a team trained in, and responsible for, maintaining effective and healthy pathways for communication. In our spaces, this involves:

  • Minimizing, acknowledging, and shutting down any forms of gossip

  • Maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech of any kind - any abusers will be removed from that community space immediately

  • Practicing clear, transparent communication even in instances of complexity or conflict 

  • Respecting and honoring the truths of all community members, and utilizing shared vocabulary to navigate those truths together


We value a community that practices self-awareness and is active in their practice of applying that to a container or experience. While our team and lead facilitators will always check in if/as they notice holding back or a shift in energy, it is fully your responsibility as a participant to be aware of your own needs - to reach out, ask for what you need, and work with our team to identify next best steps. 

Taking action:

We don’t expect our community to come to us for quick fixes or prescriptions for change - we celebrate the process of emergence, co-creation, mutual action-taking. Our team commits to creating inspired and thriving environments to grow, learn, and take action in. We trust the fruits that experience, right action, and effort over time will bear for the most sustainable results & outcomes for our clients.

Curiosity over assumptions:

In any situation where assumptions might feel easy or convenient, we challenge ourselves and our community to maintain curiosity above all. We let our curiosity guide us into opportunities for learning, understanding, and growth. 

Pathways for feedback:

Our team encourages, and actively creates space for, feedback from our community. We are always open to receive feedback about your experience - both the great things, and areas for improvement. However, abusive language will not be tolerated as an excuse for feedback. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding these core policies & company values, we welcome your input! You can always message Melissa directly at @melissacarymoffet or email our team at info@melissamoffet.com. ❤️